How to Make a Wood Coffee Table | DIY

How to Make a Wood Coffee Table | DIY

What'S up everyone today we're going to be turning all of this wood into three different pieces of furniture. A coffee table an end table in the behind the couch table, whatever you would call that, and so we're gon na get started on that. This video, in particular, is going to be the coffee table, [ Music ] - to begin you're just going to need all your tools here, your measuring tape. Of course, your hearing protection you're going to be making a lot of cuts. So i'd recommend something like this some glasses and then, of course, a pencil or in my case you keep losing them. Your nearest writing device and, of course, a saw all my legs here are going to be made out of two by fours. So, let's get to cutting all of the dimensions and cuts will be listed in the description below i'm not going to bore you with listing that off in this video. But we are starting with the two by four legs which you'll cut and sand: [, Music, ] and then four more two by four cuts for part of the base ends. Then we're cutting the two by twos, which are for the length of the base, and this will all make sense once we start assembling it. This here is the 1 by 12 base. We will double up on these, so we're cutting two, so it'll be like a 1 by 24. You could say my miter saw only cuts 10 inch wide wood. So i overcome that by flipping my board over and cutting the rest, then really the last cuts will be on these two by sixes and they will be for my table top. I will use five for my project and cut them to the length. I want again the dimensions are in the description below, along with some amazon links to the tools i use. I'M ripping a very small piece off of my two by sixes. Just so my table will be extremely smooth without these rounded edges, but i'll dig into that later. All right, we just got through cutting all of the pieces for the coffee table and sanding them down. So what's next is the assembly and painting and all that, i'm not sure what we'll do first but we'll get to that tomorrow or in a few seconds in this video here, i'm marking the spots for my wooden dowels and then i'm drilling the hole. So i can insert them [ Music ]. So now what i'll be doing for the coffee table top is joining the boards together with the dowel system. So i'm gon na put half of a dowel into one board, half into the other board and that'll help support it. Along with the rest of the stand, it's gon na be resting on it and then i'm gon na come back and reinforce it with some. This says two inch screws, i'm gon na do two and a half inch screws, probably, and so that way, it's just nice tight and secure. If you didn't know the reason why i'm ripping the boards on the edges is because if you butt up two two by fours or two by sixes together without ripping the ends, you're going to have what's called a crumb catcher, it's a little groove at the top Of your table, where it'll be really hard to clean, you try to slide glasses across your table. They'Ll catch on some of those little dips and you'll have a big mess. So, by ripping the boards, it's completely smooth, almost like butcher block and then i'm gon na go over with some wood glue, [ Music, ], missing someone y'all have no idea how good that feels. After working on projects all day, i'm sanding and then planing the wood to smooth it out even more and then sanding again [ Music ]. I'M cutting the ends off to make it completely flush. Here then, i'm adding some wood filler, which is stainable, and i'm literally going to apply this wood filler to every crack and crevice. I can find on this table top [ Music ]. Since i have a couple of toddlers running around the house, i want to round out the edges just a little bit and also adds an extra finished. Look to it now, it's time to sand it all i'll start with 80 grit, then i'll go over to 120 grit and then 220 grit [, Music, ]. I'Ve marked all of the kreg jig spots ahead of drilling, and this just helps me give a good idea of spacing. Now is the time for some assembly, so i'm starting with the two legs and fastening them onto the ends of the two by two. All of my connections are going to be with a two inch, craig screw and some wood glue. Then i'm going to put another 2x2 towards the bottom of the legs, i'm keeping these about three and a half inches off the ground. So that way, my roomba can get under the table here: [, Music ]. Once i have two sets of these i'll fasten on the 2x4 in pieces on the top - and this will be the bridge between the two sets: [ Music ]. Once i connect this, my entire base is built: [, Music, ], [, Music, ], [, Music, ], [, Music, ], [, Music, ], [, Music, ], [, Music ]. So now what i'll be doing is drilling out  felix furniture website : three: four: five: six: seven, eight nine ten holes for my two and a half inch screws here that i will then countersink with this counter bit or whatever it's called [: Music, ], [, Music, ], [, Music ] uh, [, Music ], you